I’m Capped at Level 1?! Thus Begins My Journey to Become the World’s Strongest Badass! (Manga) Volume 1

Dai Uemukai


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Beschreibung zu „I’m Capped at Level 1?! Thus Begins My Journey to Become the World’s Strongest Badass! (Manga) Volume 1“

I’m Tetsuya Takahashi. I was transported to a different world while trying to save a girl from some thugs. In this world, I’m “defective,” and they tossed me out—all because my level caps at 1! Luckily, I’ve got an ability called Corpse Absorb, which lets me grab stat boosts and abilities off of any dead body I can get my hands on. With the help of an energetic cat-sith and a stuffed bear, my journey to make it to the top awaits! I’ll prove to everyone that I’m not defective—I’m a badass!


J-Novel Club







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