American Cars & License Plates

Cristina Berna Eric Thomsen

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Beschreibung zu „American Cars & License Plates“

Probably the reader shares the facination of much of humankind for cars or automobiles. Probably also a facination for American cars, especially the big ones with great seats.
The development of automobiles started already in 1672 with the first steam engine and Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered automobile in 1769.
A new era has begun with Elon Musk and the Tesla electric vehicle company that promises to diversify the world away from oil. But already Thomas Edison built an EV. We include some USA license plates but this is not an exhaustive work.
The freedom of movement is cherished all over the World and we celebrate the automobile on this 4th of July 2023 and hope you will enjoy our selection of photos.


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