National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017

Congress of the United States

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Beschreibung zu „National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017“

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017 is a crucial legislative document that outlines the funding, goals, and priorities for NASA during the specified period. This detailed act covers a wide range of topics such as human space exploration, space technology, Earth science, and aeronautics research. Written in a formal and technical language, the act provides a comprehensive overview of NASA's activities and initiatives, reflecting the political landscape and priorities of the time. The act serves as a vital blueprint for NASA's operations and trajectory for the coming years, shaping the future of space exploration and scientific discovery. Authored by the Congress of the United States, the act demonstrates the government's commitment to advancing space exploration and technology for the benefit of humanity. The act showcases the intricate legislative process behind funding and directing a national agency like NASA, shedding light on the political mechanisms that drive scientific progress. Recommended for policymakers, space enthusiasts, and those interested in the intersection of science and government, this act offers valuable insights into the workings of the space industry and the role of government in scientific endeavors.


Good Press




ca. 69





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