How to Survive History

How to Outrun a Tyrannosaurus, Escape Pompeii, Get Off the Titanic , and Survive the Rest of History's Deadliest Catastrophes

Cody Cassidy

Hörbuch Sachbuch Geschichte

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Beschreibung zu „How to Survive History“

In each chapter of How to Survive History, Cody Cassidy explores how to survive one of history's greatest threats: succumbing to the lava flows of Pompeii, drowning on board the Titanic, falling prey to the Black Death, and more. Using hindsight and modern science to estimate everything from how fast you'd need to run to outpace a T. rex to the advantages of different body types in surviving the Donner Party tragedy, Cassidy gives you a detailed battle plan for survival, helping you learn about the era at the same time. History may be the most dangerous place on earth, but that doesn't mean you can't visit. You can, and you should. And with a copy of How to Survive History in your back pocket, you just might make it out alive.

Gelesen von:

Nathan Adams Stark


Isis Audio




6 Std. 40 Min.





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