Parents and Children

Charlotte Mason

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Beschreibung zu „Parents and Children“

Charlotte Mason's 'Parents and Children' is a seminal work that delves into the fundamental principles of education and parenting. In this book, Mason emphasizes the importance of cultivating a child's mind, character, and values through a holistic and engaging educational approach. With a focus on developing good habits, fostering a love for learning, and nurturing a child's sense of wonder, Mason's literary style is both insightful and practical, making her ideas accessible to readers of all backgrounds. 'Parents and Children' stands out in the literary context as a pioneering work in the field of education, advocating for a child-centered philosophy that prioritizes the relationship between parents and their children in the learning process. Mason's book serves as a timeless guide for parents, educators, and anyone interested in fostering a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment for children. Inspired by her experiences as a teacher and educational reformer, Charlotte Mason's 'Parents and Children' offers valuable insights and guidance for those seeking to provide a fulfilling and enriching educational experience for the younger generation.


Good Press




ca. 233





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