Jane Eyre & Wuthering Hights

Emily Brontë Charlotte Brontë

Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Jane Eyre & Wuthering Hights“

"Jane Eyre" follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous heroine, including her growth to adulthood and her love for Mr. Rochester, the Byronic master of Thornfield Hall. Jane spent her childhood living with her uncle and aunt at Gateshead Hall, where she was emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins. After finishing school at Lowood Institution for poor and orphaned girls, where she gain friends and role models she starts working as a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Edward, but their love has a lot of obstacles to beat.
"Wuthering Heights" – In 1801, Lockwood, a wealthy young man from the South of England who is seeking peace and recuperation, rents Thrushcross Grange in Yorkshire. He visits his landlord, Heathcliff, who lives in a remote moorland farmhouse, Wuthering Heights. There Lockwood finds an odd assemblage: Heathcliff who seems to be a gentleman, but his manners are uncouth; the reserved mistress of the house who is in her mid-teens; and a young man who seems to be a member of the family, yet dresses and speaks as if he is a servant. After his visit to the Heights, Lockwood becomes ill, and is confined to his bed for some length of time. The Grange housekeeper, Ellen Dean, who is looking after him, tells him the story of the family at the Heights during his convalescence.

Über Emily Brontë

Emily Jane Brontë nació en 1818 en Thornton, en el norte de Inglaterrra. Hija de un clérigo, perdió a su madre a temprana edad y se educó junto con sus cuatro hermanas y su hermano Branwell en una rectoría aislada en los páramos de Yorkshire. Durante un breve período, asistió a la escuela de Cowan Bridge ?un siniestro internado que Charlotte retrataría en su novela Jane Eyre¬?, pero tras la muerte de sus hermanas Maria y Elizabeth ambas prosiguieron su educación en casa. Emily siempre destacó por su fuerte temperamento y su carácter reservado y huraño. Todos sus intentos por integrarse en el mundo ?un viaje a Bruselas junto con Charlotte para aprender francés, unos meses como institutriz? se saldaron con un apresurado regreso al hogar, donde Emily permanecería hasta su muerte en 1848, a los treinta años.Emily Brontë publicó en vida sólo unos cuantos poemas, que aparecerían en un volumen junto con los de sus hermanas Charlotte y Anne bajo los seudónimos de Ellis, Currer y Acton Bell, y la novela Cumbres borrascosas (1847).






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