Tunneling: A Practical Treatise

Charles Prelini

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Beschreibung zu „Tunneling: A Practical Treatise“

In 'Tunneling: A Practical Treatise' by Charles Prelini, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the world of underground construction. The book offers a detailed analysis of tunneling techniques, equipment, and safety protocol, making it a valuable resource for engineers, construction workers, and anyone interested in civil engineering. Prelini's writing style is precise and technical, catering to a specialized audience while also offering insights into the historical and practical aspects of tunneling projects. The book is a well-researched exploration of the challenges and innovations in underground construction, providing a thorough overview of the subject. Charles Prelini's expertise in civil engineering and his passion for the topic shine through in this informative and engaging book. His extensive experience in the field gives the reader confidence in the accuracy and relevance of the information presented. 'Tunneling: A Practical Treatise' is a must-read for professionals in the construction industry as well as enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge of this fascinating field.


Good Press




ca. 324





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