American Operations in Italy during WW2: Salerno

From the Beaches to the Volturno 9 September - 6 October 1943

Center of Military History of the U.S. Army

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Beschreibung zu „American Operations in Italy during WW2: Salerno“

Operation Avalanche was the codename for the Allied landings near the port of Salerno, executed on 9 September 1943, as a part of the Allied invasion of Italy during World War II. The Italians withdrew from the war the day before the invasion, but the Allies landed in an area defended by German troops. The landings were carried out by the U.S. Fifth Army, under Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark. Its primary objectives were to seize the port of Naples to ensure resupply, and to cut across to the east coast, trapping the Axis troops further south.
This book provides a concise summary of this military operation. The skilful combination of combat interviews with primary sources, many of which are now lost, gives these unassuming narratives a special importance to military historians. This careful analysis of Operation Avalanche provides numerous lessons for the modern generations.






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