The Empty Hand - The Snow-Walker Trilogy, Part 2 (Unabridged)

Catherine Fisher

Hörbüch Kinder & Jugend Jugendbücher

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Beschreibung zu „The Empty Hand - The Snow-Walker Trilogy, Part 2 (Unabridged)“

From frost and magic, the sorceress Gudrun conjures a rune beast and sends it from the land of the Snow-Walkers southwards, towards the stronghold of the new Jarl , Wulfgar. The approach of the beast spreads fear amongst the people. Jessa, Skapti the poet, and a slave named Harkon Empty Hand must help the Jarl confront this horror whilst around them mistrust and conspiracy grow. In some hidden way, these dark events are linked with Gudrun's mysterious son Kari, whose own talents as sorcerer are beginning to reach their terrifying potential.

Über Catherine Fisher

Catherine Fisher ist die Autorin vieler fantastischer Kinder- und Jugendbücher sowie zweier preisgekrönter Gedichtbände. Mit Incarceron gelang ihr der große internationale Durchbruch. Catherine Fisher lebt und schreibt in Wales.

Gelesen von:

Karen Archer


Craftsman Audio




4 Std. 17 Min.





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