Kiss the Bullet

Catherine Deveney


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Beschreibung zu „Kiss the Bullet“

Could you fall in love with the man who killed your family?
It is eighteen years since Danni's husband and three-year-old son were killed by an IRA bomb in central Glasgow, and she still can't move on from the tragedy that has blighted her life. As a fresh wave of violence sweeps through Ireland, she decides she needs revenge.

A journey into the dark heart of the Belfast underworld brings her face to face with the sinister Pearson and his enigmatic, one-time accomplice Johnny. As Danni struggles to hold onto her sense of purpose in a world where the idealist and the psychopath seem indistinguishable, she is drawn into a battle to save the life of Stella, a young prostitute. But who is Johnny and why is he helping her? Did he plant the bomb that killed her family? And most disturbingly, what exactly are her feelings for him?

Fast-paced, emotionally pitch-perfect and with a heart-wrenching ending, Kiss the Bullet is a page-turner as gripping, intelligent and satisfying as they come.

Über Catherine Deveney

Catherine Deveney studierte an der Glasgow University englische Literaturwissenschaft und Theaterwissenschaft. Sie war zwanzig Jahre Journalistin bei der Zeitung Scotland on Sunday und wurde für ihre Arbeit vielfach ausgezeichnet, bevor sie beschloss, sich hauptberuflich der Schriftstellerei zu widmen. Catherine Deveney lebt mit ihrer Familie in der schottischen Grafschaft County of Ross. »Die verborgenen Bande des Herzens« ist ihr Romandebüt.


Old Street Publishing




ca. 260





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