The White Alley

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The White Alley“

Carolyn Wells' novel, 'The White Alley', is a compelling mystery filled with intricate plot twists and vivid descriptions of New York City in the early 20th century. The novel follows the character of Pennington Wise, a brilliant detective, as he unravels a complex murder case in the haunting White Alley. Wells' writing style is elegant and sophisticated, with a keen attention to detail that captivates readers and keeps them on the edge of their seats. The book is a prime example of classic detective fiction, showcasing Wells' mastery of the genre. Carolyn Wells, a prolific author and poet, was known for her contributions to the mystery genre during the Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Her background in poetry and literature influenced her writing style, adding a lyrical quality to her mystery novels. Wells' keen sense of observation and knack for storytelling set her apart as a prominent figure in early 20th-century literature. I highly recommend 'The White Alley' to readers who enjoy classic detective fiction and appreciate well-crafted mysteries. Carolyn Wells' novel is a captivating blend of suspense, intrigue, and literary charm that will undoubtedly leave readers wanting more.


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