The Servant of Two Masters

Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)

Carlo Goldoni


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Beschreibung zu „The Servant of Two Masters“

The NHB Drama Classics series presents the world's greatest plays in affordable, highly readable editions for students, actors and theatregoers. The hallmarks of the series are accessible introductions (focussing on the play's theatrical and historical background, together with an author biography, key dates and suggestions for further reading) and the complete text, uncluttered with footnotes. The translations, by leading experts in the field, are accurate and above all actable. The editions of English-language plays include a glossary of unusual words and phrases to aid understanding.
Over two hundred and fifty years since it was written, The Servant of Two Masters, a classic of Italian comedy, remains blisteringly hilarious and relevant.
Disguising herself as her dead brother, Beatrice travels to Venice to find Florindo, the man responsible for his death. However her servant, Truffaldino, enters into the pay of Florindo and struggles to keep his two lives and masters separate.


Nick Hern Books




ca. 103





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