List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1864

Canada. Post Office Department

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Beschreibung zu „List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1864“

The book 'List of Post Offices in Canada, with the Names of the Postmasters ... 1864', written by Canada. Post Office Department, provides a comprehensive list of post offices in Canada along with the names of the postmasters in the year 1864. The book is written in a straightforward and informative style, serving as a valuable resource for researchers, historians, and anyone interested in the postal system of Canada during this period. It offers a glimpse into the organizational structure of the post office network and highlights the important role of postmasters in facilitating communication and correspondence across the country. The detailed listings provide a wealth of information for those studying Canadian history or postal services. Canada. Post Office Department's meticulous documentation of post office locations and personnel reflects the dedication and commitment to ensuring efficient postal services in Canada. The author's attention to detail and accuracy in compiling this information speak to the author's expertise in the field of postal operations. By meticulously listing post offices and postmasters in 1864, this book offers a valuable insight into the administrative and operational aspects of the Canadian postal system during this period. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Canadian history, postal services, or archival research.


Good Press




ca. 39





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