Faith That Lasts

A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief

Cameron McAllister Stuart McAllister

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Faith That Lasts“

"Please fix my kid."
In their work as Christian apologists, father and son Stuart and Cameron McAllister have heard many variations on this theme from concerned parents. It's a sentiment lots of Christian parents can relate to—a deep and fearful sense of their own inadequacy to raise their children in the faith amid a seductive culture that's often hostile to Christianity.
In Faith That Lasts, the McAllisters reflect on their own experiences of coming to Christian faith—Stuart from a life of crime on the streets of Glasgow, and Cameron in the context of a loving Christian home. Together they outline three dangerous myths that we all too easily buy into: that fear can protect our children, that information can save them, and that their spiritual education belongs to the experts. They reconsider each myth in the light of the Christian faith and their own experiences.
When our confidence is rooted in the good news of Jesus, our homes can be places of honest conversation, open-handed exploration, and lasting faith.






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