The Image Maker

Dust and Glory

Brian Simmons Candice Simmons

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „The Image Maker“

All things came to life through the Word of God.

Genesis is God's autobiography with the seal of perfection stamped upon every word contained within. The powerful Word of God put light in the darkness, land in the sea, and life on an uninhabited earth.

Join Brian and Candice Simmons as they tell the fascinating story of human creation in The Image Maker, the first of three volumes that studies the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, in depth. Journey through the first eleven chapters and gain fresh insight from rich footnotes that include commentary, word studies, cross references, and alternate translations.

You are God's divine idea, and you were formed by his loving thoughts. Walk with him as he releases his glorious image into the universe.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




ca. 130





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