The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity

Arthur Lillie

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Beschreibung zu „The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity“

In 'The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity', Arthur Lillie delves into a comparative study of Buddhism and early Christianity, highlighting the similarities and influences between the two religions. Lillie's scholarly approach explores the historical and philosophical connections, providing a unique insight into the mutual impact of these two major faiths. Through a detailed analysis of texts and practices, Lillie uncovers the shared ideas of morality, redemption, and spiritual enlightenment that shaped the development of both religions. This book offers a compelling examination of how Buddhism may have played a role in shaping the beliefs and practices of early Christianity, shedding new light on the historical context of these faiths. Arthur Lillie, a respected historian and theologian, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his exploration of Buddhism and Christianity. With a background in comparative religion, Lillie offers a nuanced perspective on the interplay between these two traditions. His in-depth research and thoughtful analysis make 'The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity' a valuable resource for scholars and readers interested in the intersection of Eastern and Western religious thought. For readers seeking a sophisticated examination of the connections between Buddhism and Christianity, 'The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity' is a must-read. Lillie's meticulous research and thoughtful insights provide a thought-provoking exploration of the shared influences and divergences between these two major world religions.


Good Press




ca. 134





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