Historical Novels & Novellas of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Historical Adventure Collection, Including 2 Novels & 19 Short Stories set in the Napoleonic Era

Arthur Conan Doyle

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"The Great Shadow" takes place in the Napoleonic era on the English-Scottish border city called West Inch. It refers to the Napoleon's influence and his reputation that forms a shadow over West Inch.
"Uncle Bernac" – Louis de Laval, a young French aristocrat in exile receives a mysterious invitation to join his uncle Bernac in France and enter into Napoleon's service. The novels follows the adventures of Louis and Bernac, and the story of life in Napoleon's camp on the French Coast.
"Brigadier Gerard Stories" – Etienne Gerard, is a Hussar officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Gerard's most notable attribute is his vanity. Obsessed with honor and glory, he is always ready with a stirring speech or a gallant remark to a lady.
Arthur Conan Doyle was a prolific writer of historical fiction with special interest and affection towards Napoleon's era.
The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
How the Brigadier Came to the Castle of Gloom
How the Brigadier Slew the Brothers of Ajaccio
How the Brigadier Held the King
How the King Held the Brigadier
How the Brigadier Took the Field Against the Marshal Millefleurs
How the Brigadier Played For a Kingdom
How the Brigadier Won His Medal
How the Brigadier Was Tempted By the Devil
The Crime of the Brigadier
The Adventures of Gerard
How Brigadier Gerard Lost His Ear
How the Brigadier Captured Saragossa
How the Brigadier Slew the Fox
How the Brigadier Saved the Army
How the Brigadier Triumphed in England
How the Brigadier Rode to Minsk
How the Brigadier Bore Himself at Waterloo
I. The Story of the Forest Inn
II. The Story of the Nine Prussian Horsemen
The Last Adventure of the Brigadier
The Marriage of the Brigadier
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes.

Über Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle wurde am 22. Mai 1859 in Edinburgh geboren. Er studierte Medizin und unternahm als Schiffsarzt Reisen nach Afrika und in die Antarktis. 1882 eröffnete er eine Arztpraxis in Southsea bei Porthsmouth und begann in seiner Freizeit, Geschichten zu schreiben. 1887 veröffentlichte er seine erste Erzählung über den Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinen Freund, den Arzt Dr. Watson: A Study in Scarlet (dt. Eine Studie in Scharlachrot). Mit seinen Detektiverzählungen um Sherlock Holmes, insbesondere dem 1903 erschienenen Romans The Hound of the Baskervilles (dt.: Der Hund der Baskervilles) erlangte Doyle Welt-ruhm. In seinen späteren Jahren begann er Zukunftsromane in der Tradition von Jules Verne zu schreiben und widmete sich in zunehmendem Maße dem Spiritismus. Am 7. Juli 1930 starb Doyle in Windlesham an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts.

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