Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999

Arthur Bird

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Beschreibung zu „Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999“

Arthur Bird's 'Looking Forward: A Dream of the United States of the Americas in 1999' is a visionary work of speculative fiction that explores a future where the United States has expanded to include all the countries of North and South America. Bird's writing style is a unique blend of political satire and utopian ideals, painting a vivid picture of a harmonious society where borders have dissolved and unity has triumphed. The narrative is filled with intricate world-building and thought-provoking social commentary, making it a captivating read for fans of alternative history and political fiction. Bird's exploration of the concept of a united Americas offers a fresh perspective on contemporary issues of globalization and national identity, challenging readers to reconsider the boundaries that divide us. Arthur Bird, known for his progressive views and bold storytelling, draws from his background in political science to create a compelling narrative that envisions a future society that is both captivating and thought-provoking. 'Looking Forward' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the potential of a united Americas and the power of collective action in shaping the world of tomorrow.


Good Press




ca. 149





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