Blackthorn Farm

Arthur Applin

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Beschreibung zu „Blackthorn Farm“

Arthur Applin's 'Blackthorn Farm' is a riveting tale set in the English countryside, filled with rich descriptions and captivating storytelling. The book follows the journey of a young couple who inherits a mysterious farm, uncovering dark secrets that have been hidden for generations. Applin's prose is atmospheric and immersive, drawing readers into a world where legends and reality blur together. The narrative is filled with suspense and intrigue, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat until the very end. 'Blackthorn Farm' is a compelling blend of gothic horror and psychological drama, offering a unique take on the genre with its intricate plot and well-developed characters. Arthur Applin, known for his love of folklore and history, brings his background in English literature to 'Blackthorn Farm'. His deep knowledge and passion for the subject shine through in the vivid imagery and intricate detail that fills the pages of the book. Applin's expertise in storytelling and the genre of gothic fiction is evident in his masterful crafting of a haunting and immersive narrative that will leave readers enthralled. I highly recommend 'Blackthorn Farm' to fans of gothic fiction and suspenseful storytelling. Arthur Applin's novel is a captivating read that will take you on a thrilling journey through the dark underbelly of the English countryside, leaving you spellbound until the very end.


Good Press




ca. 217





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