The Lion's Share

Arnold Bennett

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Beschreibung zu „The Lion's Share“

Arnold Bennett's 'The Lion's Share' is a poignant exploration of the challenges faced by the working class in a rapidly changing industrial society. Set against the backdrop of the bustling city of London, Bennett uses a naturalistic style to vividly depict the struggles of his characters as they navigate the complexities of class, ambition, and love. His descriptive prose and keen eye for detail immerse the reader in the gritty realism of early 20th century urban life. The novel serves as a commentary on the inequities of the time, as well as a character study of individuals striving for a better life amidst social constraints. Arnold Bennett, a prolific English novelist and playwright, drew inspiration from his own experiences growing up in the industrial heartlands of Staffordshire. His keen observations of society and human nature shine through in 'The Lion's Share', making it a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction and social commentary. Bennett's ability to combine rich character development with social critique makes this novel a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today. I recommend 'The Lion's Share' to readers who appreciate thought-provoking literature that delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal structures. Bennett's insightful portrayal of the working class experience offers a powerful lens through which to explore themes of ambition, love, and the struggle for social mobility.


Good Press




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