Negotiating successfully

Negotiating successfully in small and mid-sized M&A transactions

Arnd Allert

Job & Karriere

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Beschreibung zu „Negotiating successfully“

As instruments of strategic company management they have become an indispensable
element of business life: "Mergers and acquisitions", meaning combinations
and takeovers of enterprises or parts of enterprises. How can such
transactions be negotiated in an effective and focused manner? There are extensive
theoretical negotiation models – but how can these be implemented specifically?
This book wants to make a contribution to transferring such theories to
day-to-day M&A negotiation practice. It conveys practical knowledge in order
to make negotiations for the purchase and sale of an enterprise more successful.
The focus is on the area which in Germany accounts for the majority of enterprises:
medium-sized companies. It is addressed to entrepreneurs, attorneys,
auditors and tax advisors as well as all corporate finance professionals who are
involved in negotiation situations. With numerous case studies from consulting
practice, Arnd Allert accomplishes the transfer of theoretical knowledge
to day-to-day practice. In this book, Arnd Allert has compiled his knowledge
from more than one hundred M&A transactions and gives an insight into the
world of M&A consulting which in this comprehensive form so far was almost
impossible to find.

Über Arnd Allert

Arnd Allert arbeitet seit mehr als 20 Jahren in der Corporate Finance-Branche. Er begann seinen beruflichen Werdegang bei der Deutsche Bank AG. 2003 gründete er die M&A-Beratungsgesellschaft Allert & Co. GmbH, die heute zu den führenden Fusions- und Übernahmeberatungsgesellschaften in Deutschland gehört. Neben seiner Beratungstätigkeit referiert er an Hochschulen zu den Themen "Mergers and Acquisitions“ sowie "Verhandlungsführung“ und bekleidet darüber hinaus mehrere Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsratsmandate.


Kuebler Verlag




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