A Letter from a Person of Quality to His Friend in the Country

Anthony Ashley Cooper

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Beschreibung zu „A Letter from a Person of Quality to His Friend in the Country“

In Anthony Ashley Cooper's 'A Letter from a Person of Quality to His Friend in the Country,' readers are presented with a unique epistolary work that delves into the social and political issues of the 17th century English society. Through the exchange of letters between two friends, Cooper masterfully captures the attitudes and perspectives of the aristocracy during this turbulent period. The book combines elements of satire and wit, providing a fascinating insight into the thoughts of the elite class of the time. Anthony Ashley Cooper, also known as the 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, was a prominent English politician and philosopher, which undoubtedly influenced the themes explored in this work. His deep understanding of the political landscape and social dynamics of his era shines through in the meticulously crafted letters that form the basis of the book. For readers interested in exploring the intricacies of 17th century English society through the eyes of the aristocracy, 'A Letter from a Person of Quality to His Friend in the Country' is a captivating and enlightening read that offers a valuable perspective on the cultural and political climate of the time.


Good Press




ca. 45





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