The History of American Indian in the Period of Reconstruction

Annie Heloise Abel

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Beschreibung zu „The History of American Indian in the Period of Reconstruction“

The History of American Indian in the Period of Reconstruction is a historical book which primarily deals with the establishment of a new relationship with the United States government and the great southern tribes. The book examines in great detail, the enormous price that the unfortunate Native Americans had to pay for having allowed themselves to become a secessionists and a soldiers.
Overtures of Peace and Reconciliation
The Return of the Refugees
Cattle-driving in the Indian Country
The Muster Out of the Indian Home Guards
The Surrender of the Secessionist Indians
The Peace Council at Fort Smith, September, 1865
The Harlan Bill
The Freedmen of Indian Territory
The Earlier of the Reconstruction Treaties of 1866
Negotiations With the Cherokees


Musaicum Books




ca. 185





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