Excel 2010 Financials Cookbook

Andre Odnoha

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Excel 2010 Financials Cookbook“

In Detail

Excel is one of the mostused software tools in the world and just about every business has a copy somewhere. Despite its power and flexibility it is not always clear how to use it to perform some of the most important tasks in any business: organizing, analysing, and presenting financial information.

Excel 2010 Financials Cookbook contains a rich collection of useful techniques for handling financial data in Excel. From integrating data from a variety of different sources, through organazing and analyzing financial data, to presenting it in a variety of graphical forms, this book has you covered.

The book deals first with "normalizing" financial data -- that is, bringing data from a number of different sources into a single format where you can analyze them together. Then you'll learn techniques for managing and analyzing the data before discovering ways to present it graphically. The book then looks at Excel's built in features for financial analysis, and even shows how you can combine the built in features to build your own analysis functions.


The Cookbook format means each technique is explained with step-by-step instructions, and you can jump straight to the techniques you need. You won't need to read this book from start to finish in order to get value out of it.

Who this book is for

This book is for anybody who wants to use Excel to manage their revenues, budgets, and other financials. It's especially suitable for small businesses that already use Excel and want to get more from it.


Packt Publishing




ca. 122





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