American Cookery

The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables

Amelia Simmons

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Beschreibung zu „American Cookery“

Amelia Simmons' 'American Cookery' is a groundbreaking culinary work that provides a comprehensive look at American cuisine in the late 18th century. Published in 1796, this book is considered the first American cookbook and showcases a blend of traditional British recipes with an emerging New World identity. Simmons' writing style is practical yet informative, with detailed recipes for a wide range of dishes, from puddings to pies to meats. Her emphasis on using local ingredients reflects the spirit of early American cooking. This book serves as a window into the culinary practices of the time and the evolution of American food culture. Amelia Simmons, a largely mysterious figure, is believed to have been an American domestic servant or cook. Her cookbook was a revolutionary departure from the British culinary tradition, showcasing the emergence of a distinct American cuisine. 'American Cookery' is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of American food and the cultural influences that shaped it. Whether you are a culinary enthusiast or a history buff, this book offers valuable insights into the culinary heritage of the United States.


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