The Essentials of the Art of Medicine

Alfred Stillé

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Beschreibung zu „The Essentials of the Art of Medicine“

In 'The Essentials of the Art of Medicine' by Alfred Stillé, readers are immersed in a comprehensive study of medical practices and principles in the mid-19th century. Stillé's writing style is informative and precise, making this textbook a valuable resource for medical professionals of the time. The book delves into various medical topics such as diagnosis, treatment, and patient care, providing a well-rounded view of the medical field during this era. The literary context of this work reflects the growing interest in scientific medicine and the push towards standardized medical education. Stillé's attention to detail and dedication to accuracy make this book a standout in the field of medical literature. {author info}. As a respected physician and professor, Alfred Stillé's expertise and experience shine through in 'The Essentials of the Art of Medicine.' His insightful observations and practical advice make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the history of medicine or the development of medical practices. Highly recommended for students, historians, and medical professionals alike.


Good Press




ca. 32





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