Learning Chess - Chess for Beginners

An easy-to-understand chess book for a successful start

Alexander Fischer

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Beschreibung zu „Learning Chess - Chess for Beginners“

Learning Chess - Chess for Beginners
With this book you can learn the basics of chess or the rules of chess quickly and effortlessly.
Every single move of the chess pieces is shown in diagrams. The basic knowledge of chess is explained in an understandable way and with more than 150 diagrams it makes getting started easy for beginners.

- The Chessboard
- Designation of the Individual Squares
- Designation of the Files
- Designation of the Ranks
- Designation of the Diagonals
- Setting up the Chessboard Correctly
- The Chess Pieces
- The Initial Setup
- The Pieces: King / Queen / Rook / Bishop / Knight / Pawn
- The Value of the Pieces
- The Rules of Chess
- Capturing Pieces
- Capturing Pieces using Pawns
- Capturing En Passant
- Promoting a Pawn
- Castling
- Check, Mate, Draw, Stalemate
- Notation of Moves
- Small Exercises
- Tips for your First Game of Chess

Über Alexander Fischer

Geboren 1974, spielt seit seiner Jugend gerne Schach. Nachdem ihm aufgefallen ist, wie wenige gute Schachbücher für Anfänger es gibt, hat er mehrere Bücher darüber geschrieben.


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