The Harp of Power

The Book of Secrets 2

Alex Dunne


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Beschreibung zu „The Harp of Power“

'Cat didn't notice a shadow slinking into the room and leaning in closer … as if it were listening.'
When Cat finds out that her cool new neighbour, Dr Becca Ryan, is a witch, she's fascinated. Cat already loves magic – she has The Sight – and she's sure she can learn loads from Becca.
But Cat has other things on her mind – her mum has a boyfriend and Cat's not happy. When she turns to Becca for advice, she gets more than she bargained for. Cat and her friend Shane are sent off on a perilous quest for an ancient harp that, when played, can influence the thoughts of anyone who hears it – and it seems like Cat will go to any lengths to find it …
As they face shape-shifting wolves, demons and magic on the island of Hy-Brasil, Cat and Shane learn many things about themselves – and prepare to battle an ancient and terrifying power …


The O'Brien Press




ca. 153





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