The Retired Demon of the Maxed-Out Village: Volume 2

Akinosuke Nishiyama


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Beschreibung zu „The Retired Demon of the Maxed-Out Village: Volume 2“

When the duke and Father Blutgang return to the remote village of Montt after a relaxing day of fishing, they find a young monk clad in ominous cursed armor waiting for them. She goes toe-to-toe with Father Blutgang, who soon learns that she is in fact his beloved disciple Zaza. His only chance to save her was to destroy her sacred armor—the treasure of Mt. Eirimt. The duke agrees to repair it, but how did the armor get cursed in the first place? The duke’s search for the armor’s secret leads him to the ancient source of the holy power of the monk temple on Mt. Eirimt, and the mystery behind the curse may end up tying in to the incident that resulted in the dragon-slaying hero Blutgang’s expulsion from the temple ten years ago!


J-Novel Club




ca. 139





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