The Phantom Launch

Aidan de Brune

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Beschreibung zu „The Phantom Launch“

In Aidan de Brune's novel 'The Phantom Launch,' the reader is thrust into the mysterious world of espionage and high-stakes adventure. Set in the backdrop of World War II, the book follows a British secret agent tasked with uncovering a German plot to launch a deadly attack. De Brune's writing style is fast-paced and gripping, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat with unexpected twists and turns. The vivid descriptions of the wartime era bring historical accuracy to the narrative, adding depth to the storyline. This literary work is a captivating blend of historical fiction and thrilling espionage, making it a must-read for fans of the genre. Aidan de Brune's meticulous attention to detail and ability to craft compelling characters make 'The Phantom Launch' a standout novel in the realm of wartime fiction.


Good Press




ca. 210





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