Stories from History

Agnes Strickland

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Beschreibung zu „Stories from History“

Agnes Strickland's 'Stories from History' is a captivating collection of historical tales that brings to life the events and characters of the past. Written in a clear and engaging style, Strickland provides readers with a wide range of stories that cover different periods and regions, making this book a valuable resource for those interested in history and storytelling. The carefully researched content and vivid descriptions transport readers to various time periods, allowing them to experience the drama and intrigue of history firsthand. Strickland's work is a prime example of 19th-century historical literature, showcasing her skill as a storyteller and historian. Her accessible writing style makes this book suitable for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Agnes Strickland's deep passion for history and dedication to her craft shine through in 'Stories from History', making it a must-read for anyone interested in the past and the art of historical storytelling.


Good Press




ca. 285





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