
Ada Cambridge

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Beschreibung zu „Sisters“

Ada Cambridge's novel 'Sisters' transports readers to the late 19th century of Australia, exploring the lives of two sisters, Janet and Esther, as they navigate love, social expectations, and personal growth. Written in a flowing and poetic style, the novel delves deep into the complexities of sisterhood, class divisions, and the constraints imposed on women of the era, offering a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. Cambridge's keen observations and intricate character developments highlight the plight of women in a patriarchal society, making 'Sisters' a poignant and thought-provoking read for those interested in feminist literature and historical fiction. Through vivid descriptions and insightful dialogues, Cambridge captures the essence of familial relationships and the struggles faced by women striving for independence and self-fulfillment. A pioneer in her own right, Ada Cambridge draws from her own experiences as a writer and poet to infuse 'Sisters' with authenticity and depth, inviting readers to immerse themselves in a world where love and duty clash, leaving lasting impressions on the heart and mind.


Good Press




ca. 266





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