Death in Kabul

A. Belsham N. Higgins

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „Death in Kabul“

2003. Kabul has become a frontier city, Afghanistan's fledgling democracy struggling with crime and corruption as NATO coalition troops, gangs and warlords jostle for control. When the body of a British serviceman is discovered in the city's infamous tank graveyard, the Kabul Police reach out for support in their investigation. Alasdair 'Mac' MacKenzie, formerly of the Metropolitan Police, is seconded to the team. Baz Khan, an Afghan-American investigative journalist, is in Kabul researching a story. Precious antiquities are disappearing amid the chaos, never to be seen again. Baz is determined to uncover whoever is spiriting them away, and she has a lead. . .The soldier's death was no accident. Why was he so far from the British base in the middle of the night? And alone? As Baz and Mac investigate, they quickly realise they have each stumbled on something far bigger than they reckoned with. . .

Gelesen von:

Simon Mattacks


Isis Audio




10 Std. 26 Min.





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