Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons (Manga) Volume 4

616th Special Information Battalion


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Beschreibung zu „Villainess: Reloaded! Blowing Away Bad Ends with Modern Weapons (Manga) Volume 4“

In the course of her tireless efforts to avoid the terrible fate that awaits her, otome game villainess Astrid Sophie von Oldenburg has signed up as an assistant mage for the Adventurer’s Guild! Not only does it pay well, it’s also a great excuse to get outdoors and put those guns of hers to good use. But when Astrid finds herself facing a beast more fearsome than anything she’s encountered before, she’s left feeling that her existing arsenal isn’t up to scratch. Time to call upon Mister Gnome to make bigger and better weapons! Meanwhile, the elite noble children of the academy have decided to invite (force?) Astrid to join a club known as the Round Table. When she accompanies the group on a trip to a lake, it means finally taking a break from her magic and weaponry. Or does it? After all, Astrid will stop at nothing to turn the tide in her battle against fate!


J-Novel Club







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