The Journey of the Soul and the Ethereal World

Emma Ruder Drollinger

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Beschreibung zu „The Journey of the Soul and the Ethereal World“

This Marvellous Revelation has not been gathered from any source on this earth realm. This knowledge and wisdom has been handed down to me from a Divine Source embracing the actual experiences of my life since a child of twelve. The Divine Intelligences who have imparted this knowledge and wisdom to me are now dwellers of the Seventh Heavenly Zone and the Celestial Divine Kingdoms, and from one of the Masters who is serving in the capacity as a guardian angel. A guardian angel is one who has overcome worlds. Every soul, no matter in what scale of life he may be, is accompanied through this expression of life and through the Ethereal World by a guardian angel. This divine being never makes himself known until YOU are ready for his wisdom or on some special occasion when we are in desperate need or distress and cry out for guidance and help.


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