The Mystery of Orcival

Émile Gaboriau

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Beschreibung zu „The Mystery of Orcival“

Emile Gaboriau's 'The Mystery of Orcival' is a captivating detective novel that delves into the intricacies of unraveling a baffling crime. Set in the 19th century, this work exemplifies the classic whodunit genre, with suspenseful plot twists and engaging character development. Gaboriau's literary style is marked by meticulous attention to detail and a keen understanding of human nature, making the narrative both compelling and thought-provoking. The atmospheric setting of Orcival and the vivid descriptions of the French countryside add depth to the story, immersing readers in the world of the characters. Gaboriau's exploration of crime and justice reflects the societal concerns of his time, shedding light on the moral complexities of the era. His skillful storytelling and masterful plotting make 'The Mystery of Orcival' a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers today.

Über Émile Gaboriau

Émile Gaboriau (1832 - 1873), französischer Schriftsteller, gilt als Vorreiter des Kriminal- bzw. Detektivromans. Seine Hauptfigur Inspektor Lecoq tritt in "Der Fall Lerouge" erstmals auf, zunächst als Sicherheitsagent, um später zum berühmten Inspektor aufzusteigen. Gaboriaus Kriminalromane spinnen sich um soziale Spannungen und politische Intrigen und sind heute so aktuell wie vor 150 Jahren.


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