The Lerouge Case

Émile Gaboriau

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Beschreibung zu „The Lerouge Case“

Emile Gaboriau's 'The Lerouge Case' is a classic French detective novel that is considered one of the earliest examples of the detective genre. Published in 1866, it follows detective Lecoq as he investigates the brutal murder of a wealthy widow, diving into a complex web of intrigue and deception. Gaboriau's writing is characterized by its meticulous attention to detail, realistic characterizations, and suspenseful plot twists, making it a precursor to the modern mystery novel. The novel is not only a gripping whodunit but also a social commentary on the disparities of 19th-century French society. Gaboriau's influence on later detective fiction, including the works of Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, is undeniable. His pioneering work laid the foundation for the genre as we know it today, shaping the conventions and tropes that continue to captivate readers. 'The Lerouge Case' is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of detective fiction or simply looking for a thrilling and thought-provoking mystery novel.

Über Émile Gaboriau

Émile Gaboriau (1832 - 1873), französischer Schriftsteller, gilt als Vorreiter des Kriminal- bzw. Detektivromans. Seine Hauptfigur Inspektor Lecoq tritt in "Der Fall Lerouge" erstmals auf, zunächst als Sicherheitsagent, um später zum berühmten Inspektor aufzusteigen. Gaboriaus Kriminalromane spinnen sich um soziale Spannungen und politische Intrigen und sind heute so aktuell wie vor 150 Jahren.


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