Flash Game Development by Example

Emanuele Feronato

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Beschreibung zu „Flash Game Development by Example“

In Detail

You can't call yourself a Flash game developer unless you know how to build certain essential games, and can quickly use the skills and techniques that make them up.

Flash Game Development by Example is an ultra-fast paced game development course. Learn step-by-step how to build 10 classic games. Each game introduces new game development skills, techniques, and concepts. By the end of the book you will have built ten complete games - and have the skills you need to design and build your own game ideas.

The book starts with simple well known puzzle games: Concentration and Minesweeper. After learning the basics of game design you'll introduce AI with a four-in-a-row game. Then as you build your own versions of old arcade games such as Snake, Tetris, and Astro Panic. The book ends with a collection of modern casual classics.

Build the classic and modern games that will turn you into a capable Flash games developer.


In each chapter you'll build a complete game, starting with simple puzzlers and working your way up to games similar to the most popular online casual games. Each game introduces a range of essential skills that all Flash game developers should know. There's never a dull moment -- you're building working, fun games right from Chapter 1.

Who this book is for

If you've never developed a game before or you've made a start but want to refine your skills and build complete, successful projects then this book is just what you need.


Packt Publishing




ca. 248





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