You Can't Make Me Go To Witch School!

Em Lynas


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Beschreibung zu „You Can't Make Me Go To Witch School!“

Shortlisted for the 2018 North Somerset Teachers' Book Awards
Related teaching resource pack available on the Nosy Crow website.
Daisy Wart, a Shakespearean actress with grand ambitions, is FURIOUS at being left at Toadspit Towers School for Witches by her grandmother. SHE IS NOT A WITCH! But Daisy soon becomes drawn into the mysteries of life at Toadspit, and finds that she even has a few magical surprises up her sleeve...
The adventures of Daisy the reluctant witch are perfect for fans of magical school stories.
The first in the spellbinding, spine-tingling school series in which Daisy Wart creates massive magical mayhem! Perfect for fans of magical school stories.
Look out for the other adventures:
Help! I'm Trapped at Witch School!
Get Me Out Of Witch School!
All brilliantly illustrated by Jamie Littler.


Nosy Crow Ltd




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