Tea? Coffee? Murder! - A Deadly Fortune

A Black Feather Mystery

Ellen Barksdale


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Beschreibung zu „Tea? Coffee? Murder! - A Deadly Fortune“

What is going on in old Mr Stevenson’s house? After his death, the remote cottage was bought at auction by a Bolivian man, Carlos Ramon Álvarez, for a dream price. And strange things have been happening there ever since. Nathalie and Louise are suspicious. They find out something astonishing: Álvarez and old Mr Stevenson knew each other. And Stevenson had more money than anyone ever imagined. Nathalie and Louise pull off a daring stunt to gain access to the cottage. But what they discover behind the façade of the picturesque country house are crimes, of which money laundering and arms smuggling are just the tip of the iceberg.

About the series: There was nothing in the will about this ...

Cottages, English roses and rolling hills: that’s Earlsraven. In the middle of it all: the "Black Feather”. Not only does young Nathalie Ames unexpectedly inherit this cosy inn from her aunt, she also falls heir to her aunt’s secret double life! She solved criminal cases together with her cook Louise, a former agent of the British Crown. And while Nathalie is still trying to warm up to the quirky villagers, she discovers that sleuthing runs in the family.






ca. 124





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