The Battle Ground

Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow

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Beschreibung zu „The Battle Ground“

Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow's novel, The Battle Ground, is a poignant exploration of the post-Civil War South through the lens of two families from different social classes. With rich character development and intricate plot twists, Glasgow weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and societal upheaval. Set against the backdrop of Reconstruction-era Virginia, Glasgow's literary style combines elements of realism and romanticism, making The Battle Ground a compelling read for those interested in Southern literature and historical fiction. Glasgow's attention to detail and vivid descriptions transport the reader into a world of complex relationships and moral dilemmas. As a prominent Southern writer of her time, Glasgow's portrayal of the changing social landscape reflects her own experiences growing up in Virginia and witnessing the aftermath of the Civil War firsthand. Readers looking for an insightful and thought-provoking exploration of the post-war South will find The Battle Ground to be a captivating and enlightening read.


Good Press




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