Under a Flaming Sky

Elizabeth Haran


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Beschreibung zu „Under a Flaming Sky“

Australia, 1933: Arabella Fitzherbert, a 19-year-old English lady travels with her parents to Australia as they hope the dry climate will help their only daughter recover from her chronic illness. With the Depression in full swing, the wealthy Fitzherbert family will stop at nothing to pamper their sickly daughter. Their journey takes an unexpected turn, however, when Arabella falls from the passenger train and finds herself in the desert - all alone. Injured, she watches helplessly as the train pulls away, leaving her stranded in the middle of nowhere. Nobody notices her missing until what is presumed to be too late. Arabella’s fate might have been sealed if not for a group of Aborigines who herd her to Marree, a small town in the outback, cut off from the rest of the world. While her parents believe her dead, Arabella is on her own for the first time in her life. Set in the unforgiving yet alluring Australian outback, "Under a Flaming Sky” is a testament of one young woman’s survival and a willingness to grow into her true self.

With an eye for detail, Elizabeth Haran is the author of numerous other romantic adventures including "Island of Whispering Winds," "River of Fortune," "Flight of the Jabiru," and "Staircase to the Moon," available as eBooks.

For fans of sagas set against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes, like Sarah Lark's, "Island of a Thousand Springs" or Kate Morton's, "The Forgotten Garden."

About the author: Elizabeth Haran was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia and migrated to Australia as a child. She lives with her family in Adelaide and has written fourteen novels set in Australia. Her heart-warming and carefully crafted books have been published in ten countries and are bestsellers in Germany.

Über Elizabeth Haran

Elizabeth Haran nació en 1954 en Zimbabwe y emigró a Australia siendo una niña. Pronto el continente rojo obró su hechizo sobre ella, convirtiéndola en una de sus mejores embajadoras con sus novelas de amor y aventuras ambientadas en la Australia del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. En Alemania, sus doce novelas publicadas han vendido un millón de medio de ejemplares y han permanecido durante semanas en las listas de más vendidos de Der Spiegel. Fruto de ese éxito, han sido publicadas en ocho idiomas. El río de la fortuna es su primera novela traducida al castellano.


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1 Kommentar zu „Under a Flaming Sky“

Anna-Maria – 26.07.2020
Ein unglaublich, toll geschriebenes Buch über das australische Outback und das Leben dort, mit den verschiedenen Kulturen! Man kann sich sehr gut in die Zeit um 1933 hineinversetzen. Die verschiedenen Charaktere sind charismatisch und die Persönlichkeiten sind außergewöhnlich! Absolut empfehlenswert!

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