The Career of Katherine Bush

Elinor Glyn

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Beschreibung zu „The Career of Katherine Bush“

Elinor Glyn's novel, The Career of Katherine Bush, delves into the complexities of early 20th century society and the challenges faced by women striving for independence and success. In a mix of romance and social commentary, Glyn explores the themes of love, ambition, and societal expectations. Her writing style is elegant and engaging, with rich character development and detailed descriptions that transport the reader to the high society settings of the time. The novel's exploration of female empowerment and the limitations imposed by society adds depth to the narrative, making it a compelling read for fans of classic literature. Glyn's ability to weave together romance and social critique sets this novel apart in the literary landscape of its time. A must-read for those interested in historical fiction and the evolving role of women in society.


Good Press




ca. 317





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