The white wall

Elias J. Connor

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Beschreibung zu „The white wall“

The images we see within ourselves are often the truth. And the images that are out there around us are often the lies of those who want to destroy us. Frank's soul is destroyed. Abandoned by his parents, deported to homes and institutions, he doesn't seem to speak, has no contacts and is completely withdrawn socially. In order to survive everyday life, he increasingly builds a wall around himself and drifts more and more into surreal, psychedelic dream worlds. Frank jumps through time and is haunted by bad memories. His only companion since childhood is his girlfriend Lillith. But she of all people seems to turn against him when he needs her the most... Inspired by psychedelic music, Elias J. Connor tells a visually stunning story about a trauma we may not be able to understand in this social drama.


FINN Books Edition FireFly




ca. 50





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