The other world

Elias J. Connor

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Beschreibung zu „The other world“

Kitty, apparently abandoned by her mother, and her friend Jojo are two normal girls who go to boarding school in the mountains of the Rocky Mountains. Or so they thought ... until one day they received a mysterious message from a strange, distant world that was in danger. Kitty and Jojo are supposed to go on a journey that will change their lives. Accompany Kitty and Jojo on their magical but also dark and dangerous first trip to the star of empires, which is also called Naytnal. Meet wizards, fairies, goblins and other monsters and beings, and get to know the deep meaning that Kitty and Jojo have in the end for the star of the empires. This is the first novel of the Naytnal series, the first volume of the fantasy series THE NAYTNAL CHRONICLES.


FINN Books Edition FireFly




ca. 436





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