The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician

A Time Travel Story

Edwin Lester Arnold

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Beschreibung zu „The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician“

Imagine you fall asleep today and wake up in three hundred years! That's the story of Phra, the Phoenician, who has a rare gift of death-like sleep which makes him almost immortal. A reader gets introduced to Phra, a traveling Phoenician warrior, as he saves a slave girl, falls in love with her, and decides to bring her back home to Britannia. From there starts his incredible life journey through different eras of British history, ending up in the Elizabethan age. Each of his long periods of sleep relates to an invasion. For the first time, it happens during Caesar's invasion of Britain. Next time he wakes up when Saxons are chasingRomans out, then the Norman invasion, and then the invasion of France, followed by the Elizabethan epoch. In each of his lives, Phra is doomed to find love and lose it, prove his calling of a warrior and protect his land. At the same time, he has a unique chance to observe how the times are changing. Following Phra's time travels, a reader understands that there are basic things in life that are never out of date, and love is one of them.






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