Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-third Regiment, County of Dublin, from 1793 to 1907

Edward William Bray

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Beschreibung zu „Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-third Regiment, County of Dublin, from 1793 to 1907“

In 'Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-third Regiment, County of Dublin, from 1793 to 1907' by Edward William Bray, readers are given a detailed account of the regiment's history, achievements, and battles. Bray expertly combines historical facts with personal anecdotes to bring the narrative to life, making the book both informative and engaging. His writing style reflects the military genre of the time, with a focus on precision and accuracy, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the regiment's journey. This book is a valuable source for those interested in military history and the role of the Eighty-third Regiment in various conflicts across the years. Bray's attention to detail and dedication to preserving the regiment's legacy shine through in every page, making it a significant historical document. I highly recommend this book to anyone studying military history or looking to gain insight into the experiences of soldiers in the Eighty-third Regiment.


Good Press




ca. 68





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