
Edward Thomas

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Beschreibung zu „Poems“

Edward Thomas's collection of poems showcases his profound connection to nature and his deep introspective exploration of the human experience. Written in a traditional lyrical style, Thomas's poems often reflect the changing seasons and the impact of the natural world on the human soul. His use of vivid imagery and keen observations brings the English countryside to life on the page, inviting readers to contemplate the beauty and transience of life itself. Set against the backdrop of World War I, Thomas's poems also delve into themes of loss, longing, and the fragility of existence, offering a poignant reflection on the tumultuous times in which he lived. With a delicate touch and a profound sensitivity, Thomas's poems resonate with readers, drawing them into a world of profound emotion and introspection. Edward Thomas's 'Poems' is a timeless collection that speaks to the universal themes of nature, war, and the human spirit, making it a must-read for enthusiasts of poetry and lovers of contemplative literature.


Good Press




ca. 34





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