American Boys' Life of William McKinley

Edward Stratemeyer

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Beschreibung zu „American Boys' Life of William McKinley“

In 'American Boys' Life of William McKinley' by Edward Stratemeyer, readers are transported back to turn-of-the-century America as they follow the life of President William McKinley. This biographical work is written in a straightforward and accessible literary style, making it suitable for young readers interested in history. Stratemeyer presents McKinley's life in a compelling narrative that captures the essence of the time period and provides valuable insights into the political landscape of the era. With its engaging storytelling and historical accuracy, this book serves as an educational tool for readers of all ages. Edward Stratemeyer's meticulous research and attention to detail in 'American Boys' Life of William McKinley' showcases his dedication to bringing history to life for his audience. As a prolific author of children's books, Stratemeyer's passion for history and storytelling shines through in this biography. Readers interested in American history, presidential biographies, or young adult literature will find 'American Boys' Life of William McKinley' to be a captivating and informative read that offers a unique perspective on a significant figure in American politics.


Good Press




ca. 182





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