Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date

Edw. Le Roy Rice

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Beschreibung zu „Monarchs of minstrelsy, from "Daddy" Rice to date“

In 'Monarchs of Minstrelsy, from 'Daddy' Rice to Date', Edw. Le Roy Rice provides a comprehensive look at the history and evolution of minstrelsy in America. Rice explores the origins of this form of entertainment, tracing it back to the iconic figure of 'Daddy' Rice, and follows its development up to the present day. Through detailed analysis and historical context, the book sheds light on the impact of minstrelsy on American culture and entertainment. Rice's writing style is engaging and informative, making this book a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts of American history and performing arts. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of minstrelsy and its enduring legacy. Edw. Le Roy Rice's expertise in the subject matter shines through in this meticulously researched and thought-provoking work.


Good Press




ca. 432





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